Nickname: JoskeWoske
Fantasy Player Rank: #92

23 Money League Teams

All-AmericanWabadabu CruinFlexability
Best Ball ScoutDegeneratesinBest Ball SCOUT 10
Best Ball ScoutMonster HashinBest Ball SCOUT 53
Best Ball ScoutPenny SueinBest Ball SCOUT 66
RTFBCFunny ManinRTFBC Blue #5
RTFBCGriddy StarinRTFBC Red #5
RTFBCMagic RidersinRTFBC Red #4
Grand SlamBenzy GoodruminGS 125 8hr VI
Grand SlamRetro ClubinGS 125 8hr IV
Triple PlayBubbles CatsinBall Four
Triple PlayWalters CoffeeinTP 50 8hr XVI
Triple PlayVillage ParkinNL Just a bit outside
Best BallCheesy TubsinBest Ball Championship 2522
Best BallDomino DiamondsinBest Ball Championship 2449
Best BallGemini CricketsinBest Ball Championship 2763
Best BallGo Crazy FolksinBest Ball Championship 2504
Best BallJameo BiggsinBest Ball Championship 2529
Best BallLou HabaneroinBest Ball Championship 2540
Best BallMariachi BanditsinBest Ball Championship 2617
Best BallNewera BulldogsinBest Ball Championship 2428
AudibleDirty SanchezinAudible In Audible Out
AudibleDudesinEarly Birds Best Ball
Draft MastersBulldogsinNL ONLY
Draft Slot123456789101112

3 Private Commissioner League Teams

Full SeasonBoats 'n HoseinFirst and Ten (Saturday) League
Full SeasonBoats n HoseinThird and Long Fantasy (Sunday) L

Player Experience


State Definition:
Highly Experienced
Not Highly Experienced

Top 100 Player
Top 1000 Player
Ranked lower than Top 1000