Nickname: treno166
Fantasy Player Rank: #299

25 Money League Teams

Dynasty Rotodream krusherinBullpen Game
Big Leagueauction king team fourinTuesday Funday
Big LeagueAuction king fiveinBL Auction Mar 12
Big Leagueauction king team threeinMonday Auction
Big Leaguedraft junkieinBL 30 8hr IX
Triple Playauction king TP twoinSpring Training
Triple Playdraft junkie auction oninAuction is best
Triple Playdraft junkie TP threeinCome Get The Bag
Triple Playdraft junkie TP twoinBUY THOSE FLOWERS
Best Balldraft junkie team eightinBest Ball Championship 2579
Best Balldraft junkie team eleveinBest Ball Championship 2681
Best Balldraft junkie team fiveinBest Ball Championship 2513
Best Balldraft junkie team fourinBest Ball Championship 2500
Best Balldraft junkie team nineinBest Ball Championship 2606
Best Balldraft junkie team oneinBest Ball Championship 2333
Best Balldraft junkie team seveninBest Ball Championship 2518
Best Balldraft junkie team sixinBest Ball Championship 2512
Best Balldraft junkie team teninBest Ball Championship 2649
Best Balldraft junkie team thirtinBest Ball Championship 2770
Best Balldraft junkie team threeinBest Ball Championship 2476
Best Balldraft junkie team twelvinBest Ball Championship 2693
Best Balldraft junkie team twoinBest Ball Championship 2425
Best BallFell asleepinBest Ball Championship 2754
Draft MastersThe Auction KinginPlay It Again Sam
Draft MastersNL Only one and OnlyinNL ONLY
Draft Slot123456789101112

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Player Experience


State Definition:
Highly Experienced
Not Highly Experienced

Top 100 Player
Top 1000 Player
Ranked lower than Top 1000