Nickname: peterson_mark
Fantasy Player Rank: #242

72 Money League Teams

ChampionshipFidoinFantasy Championship 8/25 9:00pm
ChampionshipMastodoninFantasy Championship 9/3 9:00pm E
ChampionshipPlatypus ReigninFantasy Championship 8/27 1:00pm
RTFFC ClassicWhathadhappenedwasinRTFFC Blue 14
All-AmericanBonsaiinNFL Battle
All-AmericanCobrainIt's 5 O'Clock Somewhere
All-AmericanGold StarinNoon Fun
All-AmericanGrizzlyinAll-American 310
All-AmericanHorsepowerinBend The Knee
All-AmericanNebulainFriday Jumpoff
All-AmericanPSYCHOdelicinMuck Fichigan
All-AmericanSkullinIn the Trenches
All-AmericanSpider2YBananainAll-American 275
All-AmericanWerewolfinAll-American 247
OvertimeFidoinBlock and Tackle
OvertimeHammerheadinCry Eagles Cry
OvertimeT-RexinNo Punt Intended
OvertimeHot DoginDark Side of the Moon
OvertimeRocketinTime Remains
TFC Best BallHammerheadinTFC Best Ball 8/21 8:00pm ET
TFC Best BallSpacemaninTFC Best Ball 8/25 2:00pm ET
TFC Best BallT-RexinTFC Best Ball 8/22 4:00pm ET
Best BallAsteriskinBest Ball Championship 1061
Best BallBerzerkerinBest Ball Championship 950
Best BallBoltinBest Ball Championship 963
Best BallBrain WashinBest Ball Championship 1237
Best BallBullseyeinBest Ball Championship 1016
Best BallCondorinBest Ball Championship 1316
Best BallCrazy TraininBest Ball Championship 1149
Best BallCudainBest Ball Championship 946
Best BallDeep MidnightinBest Ball Championship 1554
Best BallDeeply ShallowinBest Ball Championship 947
Best BallFREEZEinBest Ball Championship 1259
Best BallHeartbeatinBest Ball Championship 1397
Best BallHot DoginBest Ball Championship 980
Best BallHot RodinBest Ball Championship 1361
Best BallHypnoticinBest Ball Championship 1250
Best BallInfinityinBest Ball Championship 1526
Best BallMakoinBest Ball Championship 959
Best BallMoonshineinBest Ball Championship 1256
Best BallNumber 9 Number 9inBest Ball Championship 1239
Best BallOk TheninBest Ball Championship 1539
Best BallRaptorinBest Ball Championship 1032
Best BallRocketinBest Ball Championship 1060
Best BallRoosterinBest Ball Championship 1029
Best BallSkulladelicinBest Ball Championship 1010
Best BallTidal WaveinBest Ball Championship 1150
Best BallToo EasyinBest Ball Championship 1167
Best BallWalrusinBest Ball Championship 1053
Playoff BlitzAsteriskinBest Ball Playoff Blitz 171
Playoff BlitzBoltinBest Ball Playoff Blitz 131
Playoff BlitzBullseyeinBest Ball Playoff Blitz 252
Playoff BlitzCobrainBest Ball Playoff Blitz 229
Playoff BlitzCudainBest Ball Playoff Blitz 186
Playoff BlitzDeep Midnight Playoff BinBest Ball Playoff Blitz 147
Playoff BlitzMakoinBest Ball Playoff Blitz 283
Playoff BlitzMantisinBest Ball Playoff Blitz 174
Playoff BlitzNextinBest Ball Playoff Blitz 184
Playoff BlitzNumber 9inBest Ball Playoff Blitz 270
Playoff BlitzOk TheninBest Ball Playoff Blitz 231
Playoff BlitzRaptorinBest Ball Playoff Blitz 169
Playoff BlitzRoosterinBest Ball Playoff Blitz 172
Playoff BlitzSKULLinBest Ball Playoff Blitz 327
Playoff BlitzThresherinBest Ball Playoff Blitz 158
Playoff BlitzWalrusinBest Ball Playoff Blitz 201
Playoff BlitzWerewolfinBest Ball Playoff Blitz 189
Draft MastersScreamscapeinDrafting Hazard
Draft MastersUnderdoginThe Den
Draft Masters,,,,,ChameleoninCase of the Mondays
Draft MastersCheckmateinDraft Masters 46
Draft MastersCheckmateinRed Zone Watchers
Draft MastersScorpionin420 Surprise
Draft Slot123456789101112

1 Private Commissioner League Team

Full SeasonThis One Goes to 11inCPFFL 2024

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Not Highly Experienced

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Top 1000 Player
Ranked lower than Top 1000