Nickname: jcdugger
Fantasy Player Rank: #50

92 Money League Teams

RTFBCBoJacques HorsedickinRTFBC Blue #11 JOIN
RTFBCLongrod von HugendonginRTFBC Blue #10
RTFBCPringles Can ManinRTFBC Blue #8
Triple PlayItchy N Scratch Deez NuinDon't be a bitch
Best Ball3-1/2 Inch StudinBest Ball Championship 2605
Best BallArchibald MeatpantsinBest Ball Championship 2334
Best BallAwesome-OinBest Ball Championship 2734
Best BallBallSoHardMFersWannaFininBest Ball Championship 2512
Best BallBaseball WhispererinBest Ball Championship 2422
Best BallBerserkerinBest Ball Championship 2583
Best BallBiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitch!inBest Ball Championship 2658
Best BallBoJacques HorsedickinBest Ball Championship 2336
Best BallBoJacques HorsedickmaninBest Ball Championship 2555
Best BallBoJacques HorsedikinBest Ball Championship 2332
Best BallBoJacques HorsedikmaninBest Ball Championship 2458
Best BallBoom Jacques A LockainBest Ball Championship 2421
Best BallBrock Landers Jr.inBest Ball Championship 2490
Best BallBrooks Was HereinBest Ball Championship 2450
Best BallCaptain Stabbin'inBest Ball Championship 2333
Best BallChris Hansen's LeftoverinBest Ball Championship 2359
Best BallD'Ya Like Dags?inBest Ball Championship 2446
Best BallDick ThickrodinBest Ball Championship 2425
Best BallDicks Out For HarambeinBest Ball Championship 2379
Best BallDikinBaus Hot DogsinBest Ball Championship 2502
Best BallDildo ShwagginsinBest Ball Championship 2433
Best BallDirk Diggler Jr.inBest Ball Championship 2486
Best BallDong SlingerinBest Ball Championship 2335
Best BallDong Slinger 420inBest Ball Championship 2364
Best BallDonkey SchlonginBest Ball Championship 2392
Best BallFoghorn LegdickinBest Ball Championship 2368
Best BallGimme Ur SchmecklesinBest Ball Championship 2602
Best BallGoodbye Cruel WorldinBest Ball Championship 2715
Best BallHung Like A Horse...FlyinBest Ball Championship 2387
Best BallI Am Your El GuapoinBest Ball Championship 2397
Best BallI Fear No OneinBest Ball Championship 2699
Best BallIndianapolis ClownsinBest Ball Championship 2772
Best BallInglorious BasterdsinBest Ball Championship 2412
Best BallItchy N Scratch Deez BainBest Ball Championship 2765
Best BallItchy N Scratch Deez NuinBest Ball Championship 2384
Best BallJake The SnakeinBest Ball Championship 2706
Best BallJDizzleinBest Ball Championship 2741
Best BallJDizzle4ShizzleinBest Ball Championship 2510
Best BallKentucky ChickenHawksinBest Ball Championship 2508
Best BallLong Dong SilverinBest Ball Championship 2415
Best BallLongrod von HugendonginBest Ball Championship 2453
Best BallMannequin 2 Tribute TeainBest Ball Championship 2479
Best BallMayor of SplifftowninBest Ball Championship 2476
Best BallMinnesota FatsinBest Ball Championship 2656
Best BallMister So And So DickinBest Ball Championship 2462
Best BallMr. PoopybutholeinBest Ball Championship 2566
Best BallMy $20 Tutelage BeginsinBest Ball Championship 2343
Best BallNice Try BrokebackinBest Ball Championship 2472
Best BallPacking SchlonginBest Ball Championship 2373
Best BallPlow King (of Females)inBest Ball Championship 2581
Best BallPringles Can ManinBest Ball Championship 2394
Best BallReservoir DogsinBest Ball Championship 2442
Best BallRT LegendinBest Ball Championship 2689
Best BallSchlong GodinBest Ball Championship 2507
Best BallShiver Me TimbersinBest Ball Championship 2350
Best BallSteamy Ray VaughaninBest Ball Championship 2532
Best BallSteamy Ray's EncoreinBest Ball Championship 2619
Best BallSteve Guttenberg TributinBest Ball Championship 2430
Best BallTaylor MI Born N BredinBest Ball Championship 2604
Best BallTeabag MafiainBest Ball Championship 2748
Best BallThe Baseball WhispererinBest Ball Championship 2645
Best BallThe Crazy 88sinBest Ball Championship 2573
Best BallThe Cruel Tutelage of JinBest Ball Championship 2376
Best BallThe End Is NearinBest Ball Championship 2710
Best BallThe Man With Three KneeinBest Ball Championship 2562
Best BallThe Mummy Returns TribuinBest Ball Championship 2596
Best BallThe NaturalinBest Ball Championship 2608
Best BallThe PiPiinBest Ball Championship 2523
Best BallThe Plow King (of femalinBest Ball Championship 2338
Best BallThe ShinninginBest Ball Championship 2783
Best BallThe Singularity Is NearinBest Ball Championship 2697
Best BallTickle My ElmoinBest Ball Championship 2374
Best BallTracy WolfpussieinBest Ball Championship 2429
Best BallTurtle TurtleinBest Ball Championship 2764
Best BallU Got CabbageinBest Ball Championship 2681
Best BallWagon ClappersinBest Ball Championship 2518
Best BallWang HunginBest Ball Championship 2369
Best BallWeekend At Bernie'inBest Ball Championship 2568
Best BallWocka WockainBest Ball Championship 2380
Best BallWolf of Ball StreetinBest Ball Championship 2470
Best BallWoody LongpeckerinBest Ball Championship 2483
Best BallYabba Dabba Don'tinBest Ball Championship 2546
Best BallYeah BuddyinBest Ball Championship 2704
Best BallYoda ParseghianinBest Ball Championship 2554
Best BallYour $20 Tutelage BegininBest Ball Championship 2723
Draft MastersTracy WolfpussieinRickey Henderson Memorial
Draft MastersDong SlingerinBest Ball 20 8hr I
Draft MastersWolf of Ball StreetinGoats Only
Draft Slot123456789101112

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