Nickname: dukman73
Fantasy Player Rank: #302

42 Money League Teams

ChampionshipDawgFartoinFantasy Championship 9/2 8:00pm E
ChampionshipForce LightninginFantasy Championship 6/25 9:00pm
ChampionshipI am Yo Nabers.inFantasy Championship 3/22 9:30pm
ChampionshipLaCarpetron DookmariotinFantasy Championship 2/21 9:00pm
ChampionshipMy Abanikanda Don'inFantasy Championship 8/25 5:00pm
ChampionshipPhilo BettoinFantasy Championship 4/17 9:30pm
ChampionshipThe Waco KidinFantasy Championship 8/11 7:30pm
ChampionshipYou are OdunzeinFantasy Championship 8/19 7:00pm
RTFFC ClassicVinny Bag a DonutsinRTFFC Green 6
High StakesSmoke WagoninSummer drafting
AudibleRazor CrestinFast Fun 4
Turkey BowlGobble Gobblein
Turkey BowlMax Rockatanskyin
Turkey BowlRick Sanchezin
Best BallBig MikeinBest Ball Championship 695
Best BallBlack Hawk Tua DowninBest Ball Championship 535
Best BallCD Lamb of GodinBest Ball Championship 871
Best BallCircle the WagonsinBest Ball Championship 664
Best BallDouble Deuce is looseinBest Ball Championship 1108
Best BallDragon BallzinBest Ball Championship 792
Best BallEnnio MorriconeinBest Ball Championship 287
Best BallGeronimo\'s 1st StandinBest Ball Championship 96
Best BallGet her doneinBest Ball Championship 1255
Best BallHail ZeusinBest Ball Championship 1299
Best BallI am all that is MANinBest Ball Championship 997
Best BallJuke MachineinBest Ball Championship 893
Best BallMagnums don't fitinBest Ball Championship 574
Best BallMurica's Last HoorinBest Ball Championship 887
Best BallPrivate PyleinBest Ball Championship 1189
Best BallREDSKINSinBest Ball Championship 851
Best BallREZ DAWGinBest Ball Championship 490
Best BallSqwuabinBest Ball Championship 1366
Best BallWhen the Levee BreaksinBest Ball Championship 1444
Best Ball ScoutBunch of WookiesinBest Ball SCOUT 179
Best Ball ScoutCrotch GrabberinBest Ball SCOUT 50
Best Ball ScoutJeet Kune Do DraftinginBest Ball SCOUT 2802
Best Ball ScoutMandoinBest Ball SCOUT 1927
Best Ball ScoutMonkey BoyinBest Ball SCOUT 47
Best Ball ScoutRock my TacoinBest Ball SCOUT 233
Best Ball ScoutSmoking LabradorinBest Ball SCOUT 70
Best Ball ScoutSugar LipsinBest Ball SCOUT 138
Best Ball ScoutT Watt KnucklesinBest Ball SCOUT 64
Draft Slot123456789101112

1 Private Commissioner League Team

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