Nickname: William015
Fantasy Player Rank: #562

59 Money League Teams

ChampionshipPhillyPride 1inFantasy Championship Slow 8hr V
ChampionshipPhillyPride 2inFantasy Championship Slow 8hr VI
ChampionshipPhillyPride 3inFantasy Championship Slow 8hr IX
ChampionshipPhillyPride 4inFantasy Championship Slow 8hr XXI
ChampionshipPhillyPride 5inFantasy Championship Slow 8hr XXV
ChampionshipPhillyPride 6inFantasy Championship Slow 8hr XL
ChampionshipPhillyPride 7inFantasy Championship Slow 8hr XLI
RTFFC ClassicPhillyPride RTFFC 1inRTFFC Red 4
RTFFC ClassicPhillyPride RTFFC 2inRTFFC Blue 4
RTFFC ClassicPhillyPride RTFFC 3inRTFFC White 3
RTFFC ClassicPhillyPride RTFFC 4inRTFFC White 4
RTFFC ClassicPhillyPride RTFFC 5inRTFFC Blue 7
RTFFC ClassicPhillyPride RTFFC 6inRTFFC Black 13
TFC Best BallPhillyPride TFC BBC 1inTFC Best Ball Slow 8hr 0II
TFC Best BallPhillyPride TFC BBC 2inTFC Best Ball Slow 8hr III
TFC Best BallPhillyPride TFC BBC 3inTFC Best Ball Slow 8hr V
TFC Best BallPhillyPride TFC BBC 4inTFC Best Ball Slow 8hr IX
TFC Best BallPhillyPride TFC BBC 5inTFC Best Ball Slow 8hr XI
TFC Best BallPhillyPride TFC BBC 6inTFC Best Ball Slow 8hr XIV
TFC Best BallPhillyPride TFC BBC 7inTFC Best Ball Slow 8hr XVII
TFC Best BallPhillyPride TFC BBC 8inTFC Best Ball Slow 6hr XXIV
Best BallPhillyPride BBC 1inBest Ball Championship 26
Best BallPhillyPride BBC 10inBest Ball Championship 573
Best BallPhillyPride BBC 11inBest Ball Championship 866
Best BallPhillyPride BBC 12inBest Ball Championship 927
Best BallPhillyPride BBC 13inBest Ball Championship 1404
Best BallPhillyPride BBC 2inBest Ball Championship 53
Best BallPhillyPride BBC 3inBest Ball Championship 109
Best BallPhillyPride BBC 4inBest Ball Championship 147
Best BallPhillyPride BBC 5inBest Ball Championship 295
Best BallPhillyPride BBC 6inBest Ball Championship 463
Best BallPhillyPride BBC 7inBest Ball Championship 469
Best BallPhillyPride BBC 8inBest Ball Championship 512
Best BallPhillyPride BBC 9inBest Ball Championship 524
Best Ball ScoutPhillyPride BB1inBest Ball SCOUT 172
Best Ball ScoutPhillyPride BB2inBest Ball SCOUT 185
Best Ball ScoutPhillyPride BB3inBest Ball SCOUT 206
Best Ball ScoutPhillyPride BB4inBest Ball SCOUT 216
Best Ball ScoutPhillyPride BB5inBest Ball SCOUT 244
Draft MastersPhillyPride DM SF 125-1inFlex Index
Draft MastersPhillyPride DM SF 125-2inFrosted Flex
Draft MastersPhillyPride DM 100-1inBest Ball $100
Draft MastersPhillyPride DM 100-10inFootball Mania
Draft MastersPhillyPride DM 100-11inTime to Draft...NO K/D
Draft MastersPhillyPride DM 100-12inFlying Flames
Draft MastersPhillyPride DM 100-13inPower Points
Draft MastersPhillyPride DM 100-2inDraft Masters 100
Draft MastersPhillyPride DM 100-3inRTS Best Ball 100
Draft MastersPhillyPride DM 100-4inBest Ball Summer
Draft MastersPhillyPride DM 100-5inFree money
Draft MastersPhillyPride DM 100-6inSlow Draft Legends
Draft MastersPhillyPride DM 100-7inDM 100
Draft MastersPhillyPride DM 100-8inClash of Champions
Draft MastersPhillyPride DM 100-9in6 HR League
Draft MastersPhillyPride SF DM 100-1inSuperFlex best ball
Draft MastersPhillyPride DM 50-1inSit and Go 50 XVIII
Draft MastersPhillyPride DM 20-1inHurry up to slow down
Draft MastersPhillyPride DM 20-2inDracarys
Draft MastersPhillyPride DM 20-3inBB Draftmaster
Draft Slot123456789101112

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Player Experience


State Definition:
Highly Experienced
Not Highly Experienced

Top 100 Player
Top 1000 Player
Ranked lower than Top 1000