Nickname: TheDut
Fantasy Player Rank: #197

47 Money League Teams

RTFBCBelgarath the SorcererinRTFBC Red #8
RTFBCDesperadoinRTFBC Blue #10
RTFBCDog Eat Dog WorldinRTFBC Blue #1
RTFBCGhost Riders on the StoinRTFBC Red #2
RTFBCT-Bone the BarbarianinRTFBC Red #9
RTFBCThe War of the Five KininRTFBC Red #11
Big LeagueChoneinBL 30 8hr I
Best Ball($Chris Potter})inBest Ball Championship 2740
Best BallBanditosinBest Ball Championship 2400
Best BallBartmaninBest Ball Championship 2351
Best BallBonanzainBest Ball Championship 2584
Best BallBreakneckinBest Ball Championship 2454
Best BallCenter the OnioninBest Ball Championship 2426
Best BallChalfontinBest Ball Championship 2569
Best BallDesert DogsinBest Ball Championship 2481
Best BallDoopinBest Ball Championship 2465
Best BallEmu LimuinBest Ball Championship 2614
Best BallFkFaceinBest Ball Championship 2688
Best BallFloogalsinBest Ball Championship 2383
Best BallFlowberryinBest Ball Championship 2531
Best BallFred FuchsinBest Ball Championship 2571
Best BallHair HatinBest Ball Championship 2542
Best BallHappy SonginBest Ball Championship 2435
Best BallHeisenberg vs. RamsayinBest Ball Championship 2707
Best BallI Got an IdeainBest Ball Championship 2745
Best BallJon DowdinBest Ball Championship 2352
Best BallJupiterinBest Ball Championship 2439
Best BallKarnovinBest Ball Championship 2399
Best BallKickstart My HeartinBest Ball Championship 2603
Best BallLet's Go for a JoginBest Ball Championship 2641
Best BallLife, Uh, Finds a WayinBest Ball Championship 2519
Best BallLittle IdiotinBest Ball Championship 2776
Best BallMarkus BestieinBest Ball Championship 2377
Best BallMousecopinBest Ball Championship 2717
Best BallO'DweedsinBest Ball Championship 2509
Best BallPantoinBest Ball Championship 2428
Best BallPiswasserinBest Ball Championship 2381
Best BallPut It In Your HeadinBest Ball Championship 2514
Best BallSpitkaninBest Ball Championship 2362
Best BallTadsinBest Ball Championship 2417
Best BalltbdinBest Ball Championship 2791
Best BallThe Dark DefenderinBest Ball Championship 2695
Best BallThe Headless HorsemaninBest Ball Championship 2370
Best BallThe TrooperinBest Ball Championship 2390
Best BallUJ Memorial BallclubinBest Ball Championship 2340
Best BallYou Are a ToyinBest Ball Championship 2591
Best BallYou Gotta Be YouinBest Ball Championship 2552
Draft Slot123456789101112

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