Nickname: TBarron
Fantasy Player Rank: #528

46 Money League Teams

ChampionshipPhat Jesus Mahomes ChasinFantasy Championship 8/25 5:00pm
ChampionshipPhat Jesus..MurrayHill inFantasy Championship Slow 8hr XLV
ChampionshipPhat Jesus.Love GB WRinFantasy Championship 8/25 8:00pm
RTFFC ClassicRiding Fish Allen DiggsinRTFFC Green 11
RTFFC ClassicRidingFish,Hall.JacksoninRTFFC Black 2
RTFFC ClassicRidingFish. Richardson inRTFFC Blue 12
Super ShootoutDogs n Hogs 1in
Super ShootoutDogs n Hogs 2in
Super ShootoutDogs n Hogs 3in
Super ShootoutDogs n Hogs 4in
Super ShootoutDogs n Hogs 5in
Super ShootoutPhatHoggs 1in
Super ShootoutPhatHoggs 2in
Super ShootoutPhatHoggs 3in
Super ShootoutPhatHoggs 4in
Super ShootoutPhatHoggs 5in
ShootoutPhat.Fish 1inPostseason Shootout
ShootoutPhat.Fish 2inPostseason Shootout
ShootoutPhat.Fish 3inPostseason Shootout
ShootoutPhat.Hoggs 1inPostseason Shootout
ShootoutPhat.Hoggs 2inPostseason Shootout
ShootoutPhat.Hoggs 3inPostseason Shootout
ShootoutRiding.Jesus 1inPostseason Shootout
ShootoutRiding.Jesus 2inPostseason Shootout
ShootoutRiding.Jesus 3inPostseason Shootout
ChallengePhat.50inPlayoff Challenge 50.82
ChallengePhat.H.D.50inPlayoff Challenge 50.86
ChallengePhat.Hogs.Dogs.50inPlayoff Challenge 50.70
TFC Best BallPhat.Hogs..inTFC Best Ball 6/22 7:30pm ET
Best BallBoss Hog..inBest Ball Championship 1159
Best BallBoss Hog...inBest Ball Championship 714
Best BallBoss Hog.3inBest Ball Championship 551
Best BallBoss Hog.xinBest Ball Championship 995
Best Ball ScoutBoss HoginBest Ball SCOUT 166
Best Ball ScoutBoss Hog.1inBest Ball SCOUT 226
Best Ball ScoutBoss Hog.2inBest Ball SCOUT 2797
Playoff BlitzPhat.HogsinBest Ball Playoff Blitz 71
Playoff BlitzPhat.Hogs.1inBest Ball Playoff Blitz 80
Playoff BlitzPhat.Hogs.2inBest Ball Playoff Blitz 82
Playoff BlitzPhat.Hogs.3inBest Ball Playoff Blitz 205
Playoff BlitzPhat.Hogs.4inBest Ball Playoff Blitz 249
Playoff BlitzPhat.Hogs.xinBest Ball Playoff Blitz 262
Playoff BlitzPhat.Hogs.x.inBest Ball Playoff Blitz 266
Playoff BlitzPhat.Hogs.xlinBest Ball Playoff Blitz 288
Playoff BlitzPhat.Hogs.xllinBest Ball Playoff Blitz 285
Playoff BlitzPhat.Hogs.xlllinBest Ball Playoff Blitz 299
Draft Slot123456789101112

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Player Experience


State Definition:
Highly Experienced
Not Highly Experienced

Top 100 Player
Top 1000 Player
Ranked lower than Top 1000