Nickname: Smokedogg13
Fantasy Player Rank: #201

126 Money League Teams

All-American2 days left 1inIndigo Kush
All-American2 days left 2inPlay Book
All-American2 days left 3inOne Last Time
All-American3 days left 1inPrestige Worldwide
All-American3 days left 2inGas house
All-American3 days left 3inDO NOT BE AFRAID
All-American6 days left 1inmrROBOT
All-American6 days left 2inAlmost Football
All-American6 days left 3inAll-American 380
All-American8 18 24 1inTurf Wars
All-American8 18 24 2inLEAGUE OF WINNERS
All-American8 18 24 3inAll-American 283
All-AmericanAddicted 1inFull Moon Fantasy
All-AmericanAddicted 2inAll-American 354
All-AmericanAddicted 3inDraft before my haircut
All-AmericanApril showrz bring Zay inThe Showdown
All-AmericanApril showrz bring Zay inRIdleys Believe It Or Not
All-AmericanApril showrz bring Zay inDay Before Tomorrow
All-AmericanCamaro Club 1inAll-American 327
All-AmericanCamaro Club 2inAll-American 323
All-AmericanCamaro Club 3inBears fans
All-AmericanCan't stop woninAll-American 308
All-AmericanCan't stop woninThe Wasted Picks
All-AmericanCan't stop woninGo Bigger Or Just GTFO
All-AmericanDo it die 1inAll-American 319
All-AmericanDo it die 2inOops an Iceberg
All-AmericanDo it die 3inFriday Jumpoff
All-AmericanDoge Warrior 1inAll-American 415
All-AmericanDoge Warrior 2inPurdy Nice
All-AmericanDoge Warrior 3inNFL Phans
All-AmericanDogs and cats 1inWe Luv Big TDs
All-AmericanDogs and cats 2inAll-American 338
All-AmericanDogs and cats 3inAuction time
All-AmericanFantasy football happy inA League Under the TV
All-AmericanFantasy football happy inThe Sunday Before It All
All-AmericanFantasy football happy inMidnight Ballers
All-AmericanFree bet money 1inAll-American 259
All-AmericanFree bet money 2inAll-American 260
All-AmericanFree bet money 3inSlackin on your pimpin
All-AmericanGreasers 1inQB Waggle
All-AmericanGreasers 2inThe Jester
All-AmericanGreasers 3inCigarettes & Boobs
All-AmericanI am addicted 1inFantasy Football League
All-AmericanI am addicted 2inThe Only League That Matters
All-AmericanI am addicted 3inSat Ngt Spec
All-AmericanJust oneinWednesday Trade Club
All-AmericanJust one 2inChurch then Trades
All-AmericanLast Day to play 1inVarsity Blues
All-AmericanLast Day to play 2inTailgate Alley
All-AmericanLast Day to play 3inAll-American 418
All-AmericanMarty's Madmen 1inAll-American 121
All-AmericanMarty's Madmen 2inTrades Encouraged
All-AmericanMarty's Madmen 3inAttitude Era
All-AmericanMatthew Berry 1inWhatevet
All-AmericanMatthew Berry 2inLast Man Standing League
All-AmericanMatthew Berry 3inFantasy For All
All-AmericanMiseria 1inLets Trade!!!!
All-AmericanMiseria 2inBest League Ever
All-AmericanMiseria 2 1incan you dig it?
All-AmericanMiseria 2 2inTrade O Rama
All-AmericanMiseria 2 3inMy team stinx
All-AmericanMiseria 3inAll-American 129
All-AmericanMoney Mayweather 1inAll-American 368
All-AmericanMoney Mayweather 2inFun League
All-AmericanMoney Mayweather 3inAll-American 363
All-AmericanNFL Guru 1inLunch Pail Fantasy
All-AmericanNFL Guru 2inJ & D League
All-AmericanNFL Guru 3inFootball
All-AmericanNo Dummies 1inDaylight Play
All-AmericanNo Dummies 2inPremium Fantasy
All-AmericanNo Dummies 3inToyota Supraflex
All-AmericanNow or neverinCooperFlex
All-AmericanPGA Guru 1inMake Football Great Again
All-AmericanPGA Guru 2inHot Tub Time Machine
All-AmericanPGA Guru 3inAll American League
All-AmericanPumas Prisoners 1inMonday Traders
All-AmericanPumas Prisoners 2inAll-American 163
All-AmericanPumas Prisoners 3inAll-American 167
All-AmericanSingle Dingle berryinThursday night football
All-AmericanSmokedogginAll-American 178
All-AmericanSomke on the water 1inAll-American 370
All-AmericanSomke on the water 2inballers
All-AmericanSomke on the water 3inLast Call
All-AmericanSpotty is number 1 1inAll-American 218
All-AmericanSpotty is number 1 2inMershon Rockets
All-AmericanSpotty is number 1 3inAll-American 232
All-AmericanYellow Truckers 1inToozday Traders
All-AmericanYellow Truckers 2inFootball Phanatics
All-AmericanYellow Truckers 3inBig Stars
Turkey BowlLove is in the Airin
Turkey BowlTurkey bowl Ballersin
Turkey BowlTurkey bowl Ballers 2in
Super Shootout1 for Martyin
Super ShootoutFiona's girlsin
Super ShootoutMarty's Madmenin
Super ShootoutMarty's Madmenin
Super ShootoutMiseria 1in
Super ShootoutMiseria 2in
Super ShootoutMiseria 3in
Super ShootoutMiseria 4in
Super ShootoutMiseria 5in
Super ShootoutPumas Playtimein
Super ShootoutSuper shootout 1in
Super ShootoutSuper Shootout 2in
Super ShootoutSuper Shootout 3in
Super ShootoutTrying again Dogein
Super ShootoutTrying again Doge 2in
Shootout3 team champ 1inPostseason Shootout
Shootout3 team champ 2inPostseason Shootout
Shootout3 team champ 3inPostseason Shootout
ChallengeAnnie and IgoreinPlayoff Challenge 20.60
ChallengePumas PreyinPlayoff Challenge 20.116
ChallengeSmokes ganginPlayoff Challenge 20.40
Best BallBb 4inBest Ball Championship 1108
Best BallBb 4inBest Ball Championship 1100
Best BallBest ballinBest Ball Championship 1038
Best BallBest ball 2inBest Ball Championship 1093
Best BallBest ball 3inBest Ball Championship 1079
Best BallBest Ball 5inBest Ball Championship 1092
Best BallBest ball 6inBest Ball Championship 1286
Best BallBest ball 7inBest Ball Championship 1294
Best BallBest ball 8inBest Ball Championship 1296
Best BallColes ComradesinBest Ball Championship 1151
Best BallFiona's girlsinBest Ball Championship 947
Best BallNow or never bbinBest Ball Championship 1233
Just TDsJust tdsinJust TDs 144
Draft Slot123456789101112

1 Private Commissioner League Team

Full SeasonSmokedogginThe AY League

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Player Experience


State Definition:
Highly Experienced
Not Highly Experienced

Top 100 Player
Top 1000 Player
Ranked lower than Top 1000