Nickname: PeterQuill
Fantasy Player Rank: #1161

31 Money League Teams

All-American2nd ChanceinIts as Fantasy Life
All-American2nd QBinNovice - Dumb and Dumber
All-American6-2 Stack MonsterinAll-American 83
All-AmericanAir RaidinIntentional Grounding
All-AmericanBringing The PaininFootball Addicts
All-AmericanF The Deep StateinAll-American 389
All-AmericanHuge SackinFlex on em
All-AmericanLets GoinLate Night All-American
All-AmericanShow TimeinNo Name League
All-AmericanSmash MouthinPayback comes this November
All-AmericanT-R-U-M-P TraininDraft before my haircut
All-AmericanT-R-U-M-P's PatrioinNOW ITS TIME
All-AmericanT-R-U-M-P's ArmyinAll-American 312
All-AmericanThe SmasherinAll-American 338
All-AmericanThe SwamiinGame Of Thrones
Best BallBest Ball 1inBest Ball Championship 67
Best BallBest Ball 10inBest Ball Championship 503
Best BallBest Ball 11inBest Ball Championship 551
Best BallBest Ball 12inBest Ball Championship 607
Best BallBest Ball 2inBest Ball Championship 120
Best BallBest Ball 3inBest Ball Championship 153
Best BallBest Ball 4inBest Ball Championship 175
Best BallBest Ball 5inBest Ball Championship 236
Best BallBest Ball 6inBest Ball Championship 301
Best BallBest Ball 7inBest Ball Championship 337
Best BallBest Ball 8inBest Ball Championship 475
Best BallBest Ball 9inBest Ball Championship 494
Best BallBest Ball 1inBest Ball Championship 2365
Best BallBest Ball 2inBest Ball Championship 2383
Best BallBest Ball 3inBest Ball Championship 2399
Draft Masters5X5 Best BallinDM Roto 20 8hr IV
Draft Slot123456789101112

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Player Experience


State Definition:
Highly Experienced
Not Highly Experienced

Top 100 Player
Top 1000 Player
Ranked lower than Top 1000