
Nickname: Grul6969
Fantasy Player Rank: #572

19 Money League Teams

Big LeagueGolden SombreroinSinkers
Triple PlayAmericas PastimeinThe Sandlot
Triple PlayPeanut HeaveninWhen It Was a Game
Triple PlayPOWERSTROKEinTexas Heat
Triple PlayUncle CharlieinTP 20 8hr XIII
Draft MastersCHIN MUSICinDM Roto 20 8hr VI
Draft MastersPaint the CornerinNL ONLY
Draft MastersPeanuts and Cracker JaxinDM Roto 20 8hr XI
Draft MastersWheelhouseinEarly NL draft
DimesHigh n tightinDimes Best Ball 703
DimesSPITBALLZinDimes Best Ball 719
Slam DunkIn The PaintinBallin Out
Slam DunkSpam, Eggs, Suasage andinSit and Go 4hr 20 XII SD
FranchiseCLEAN THE GLASSinSit and Go 4hr 30 IV FR
Draft MastersCROSSOVERinSit and Go 4hr 20 IV DM
Draft MastersDefenders Of The FaithinRebounds
DimesABOVE THE RIMinDimes Best Ball 122
DimesACES HIGHinDimes Best Ball 115
DimesBasketball JonesinDimes Best Ball 124
Draft Slot123456789101112

1 Private Commissioner League Team

Player Experience


State Definition:
Highly Experienced
Not Highly Experienced

Top 100 Player
Top 1000 Player
Ranked lower than Top 1000