Nickname: Gatorhall
Fantasy Player Rank: #168

84 Money League Teams

All-AmericanGatorhall 1inHall of Fame
All-AmericanGatorhall 2inThe Deadpool
All-AmericanGatorhall 3inLazy Afternoon
All-AmericanJagatorinFootball Fantasies
All-AmericanJagator 1inWay way too early
All-AmericanJagator 1inUnburdened by the past
All-AmericanJagator 3inPJ Rules
All-AmericanSpurdog 1inOmaha Express
All-AmericanSpurdog 1inBreathing Room
All-AmericanSpurdog 2inFuture HOFers
All-AmericanSpurdog 2inDecoder ring:: Democrat=Person
All-AmericanSpurdog 3inNo Guts, No Glory
All-AmericanSpurdog 3inIn God We Trust
DimesGatorhall 8inDimes Best Ball 432
DimesJagatorinDimes Best Ball 291
DimesJagatorinDimes Best Ball SFlex 281
DimesJagator 2inDimes Best Ball 284
DimesJagator 3inDimes Best Ball 322
DimesJagator 4inDimes Best Ball 361
DimesJagator 5inDimes Best Ball SFlex 358
DimesJagator 6inDimes Best Ball 385
DimesJagator 7inDimes Best Ball 398
DimesRuss Hall PrizeinDimes Best Ball 245
DimesRuss Hall PrizeinDimes Best Ball SFlex 250
DimesRuss Hall PrizeinDimes Best Ball SFlex 254
DimesSpurdoginDimes Best Ball 315
DimesSpurdog 2inDimes Best Ball SFlex 320
DimesSpurdog 3inDimes Best Ball SFlex 324
DimesSpurdog 4inDimes Best Ball 364
DimesSpurdog 5inDimes Best Ball 380
DimesSpurdog 6inDimes Best Ball SFlex 379
DimesSpurdog 7inDimes Best Ball 409
DimesSpurdog 8inDimes Best Ball SFlex 434
Big LeagueBig Red MachineinBL 30 8hr VIII
Big LeagueBig Red MachineinBL 30 8hr V
Big LeagueBig Red MachineinWinter Baseballing
Big LeagueBig Red MachineinBL 30 8hr IV
Big LeagueBig Red MachineinFREE AGENTS
Big LeagueCharlie HustleinBL 30 8hr III
Triple PlayBig Red MachineinFBB 2025
Triple PlayBig Red MachineinTP 20 8hr X
Triple PlayBig Red MachineinTP 20 8hr VII
Triple PlayBig Red MachineinTP 20 8hr V
Triple PlayBig Red MachineinTP 20 8hr IV
Triple PlayBig Red MachineinTP 20 8hr III
Triple PlayBig Red MachineinTP 20 8hr I
Triple PlayCharlie HustleinTP 20 8hr II
Triple PlayJagatorinTP 20 8hr XXII
Triple PlayJagatorinTP 20 8hr XIX
Triple PlayJagatorinTP 20 8hr XVI
Triple PlayJagatorinTP 20 8hr XIII
Best BallBig Red MachineinBest Ball Championship 2362
AudibleBig Red MachineinDraft Masters Deep Dive
AudibleBig Red MachineinEarly Birds Best Ball
AudibleBig Red MachineinEarly 40
AudibleJagatorinDig Deep 40
Draft MastersBig Red MachineinNL Only $20 #1
DimesBig Red MachineinDimes Best Ball 726
DimesBig Red MachineinDimes Best Ball 722
DimesBig Red MachineinDimes Best Ball 720
DimesBig Red MachineinDimes Best Ball 711
DimesBig Red MachineinDimes Best Ball 706
DimesBig Red MachineinDimes Best Ball 703
DimesBig Red MachineinDimes Best Ball 700
DimesBig Red MachineinDimes Best Ball 686
DimesBig Red MachineinDimes Best Ball 679
DimesBig Red MachineinDimes Best Ball 674
DimesBig Red MachineinDimes Best Ball 667
DimesBig Red MachineinDimes Best Ball 664
DimesBig Red MachineinDimes Best Ball 662
DimesBig red MachineinDimes Best Ball 694
DimesCharlie HustleinDimes Best Ball 716
DimesCharlie HustleinDimes Best Ball 715
DimesCharlie HustleinDimes Best Ball 696
DimesCharlie HustleinDimes Best Ball 681
DimesCharlie HustleinDimes Best Ball 678
DimesCharlie HustleinDimes Best Ball 669
DimesCharlie HustleinDimes Best Ball 668
DimesCharlie HustleinDimes Best Ball 665
DimesDime PrizeinDimes Best Ball 660
DimesJagatorinDimes Best Ball 774
DimesJagatorinDimes Best Ball 746
DimesJagatorinDimes Best Ball 737
DimesJagatorinDimes Best Ball 719
Draft Slot123456789101112

Foes of Gatorhall are

Player Experience


State Definition:
Highly Experienced
Not Highly Experienced

Top 100 Player
Top 1000 Player
Ranked lower than Top 1000